1600 Marine Dr.
North Vancouver
V7P 1T9
Searching for used cars or used car dealerships in North Vancouver? Look no further than Destination Chrysler at 1600 Marine Drive in North Vancouver . Destination Chrysler is the North Shore's local Chrysler dealership, specializing in selling used cars to North Vancouver residents for over 30 years. Destination Chrysler offers used vehicles by all of the major automotive manufacturers, including:
Without question, the best place to find a used car in North Vancouver is at Destination Chrysler . Visit us at 1600 Marine Drive, to find out for yourself!
Looking for a specific model or year? Use our website's Inventory Tool to search our entire new and used inventory by year, make, model, body style or price. View photos, watch videos, read descriptions and do a bit of research before visiting us at our dealership. We believe that a well-informed and educated customer is a more likely to make smart decisions when buying and smart customers all agree that there's no better place to buy a used car in North Vancouver than at Destination Chrysler.
Destination Chrysler has been located in North Vancouver for over 30 years. From its beginnings in 1983 as Jubilee Plymouth Chrysler, Destination Chrysler has grown to include new and used vehicle models from not only Chrysler, but Jeep, Dodge and RAM as well. Despite rapid growth and incredible success, Destination Chrysler has remained true to its roots.
It's our mission at Destination Chrysler to become the most trusted and recognizable auto group in British Columbia by providing personalized care and good old-fashioned service. We hold true to our values of integrity, service and citizenship. We believe in conducting business in a professional and ethical manner while also supporting and giving back to the community in which we live and work.
Destination Chrysler
1600 Marine Dr.
North Vancouver
V7P 1T9